- 立ち直る、自制心{じせい しん}を取り戻す、まともになる、落ち着く
You have to pull yourself together and get a job. あなたは更正して、仕事を得なければいけない。
Pull yourself together. 自分を取り戻せ。/しっかりしろ。
pull oneself together 意味
- "pull oneself out of (one's) difficulties" 意味
- "pull oneself out of difficulties" 意味
- "pull oneself out of one's slump" 意味
- "pull oneself out of recession" 意味
- "pull oneself out of the water" 意味
- "pull oneself together after failing the exam" 意味
- "pull oneself together after failing the examination" 意味
- "pull oneself up" 意味
- "pull oneself up by one's bootstraps" 意味
- "pull oneself out of recession" 意味
- "pull oneself out of the water" 意味
- "pull oneself together after failing the exam" 意味
- "pull oneself together after failing the examination" 意味